The Bay Area Printers’ Fair & Wayzgoose returns on April 29, 2023 at History Park, 635 Phelan Ave, San Jose, CA.
The annual event is sponsored by the San Jose Printers’ Guild and History San Jose. April 29 marks the exact 50th anniversary of the opening of the Printing Office at History Park. We are celebrating 50 years of letterpress printing at History San Jose!
PARKING: There is ample parking in the city lot at the end of Phelan Avenue, just next to History Park. The fee is $6 to buy a permit from the machine in the lot, payable by cash or credit card. There is also limited free parking on nearby streets.
This is a FREE and public event celebrating letterpress printing, typography, book arts, ephemera, fine paper, printmaking, and allied arts.
Peruse the marketplace with an array of vendors and exhibitors, offering letterpress printed cards, art prints, book arts, fine papers, ink, handset type, vintage books, jewelry, and ephemera, as well as printing presses, tools, supplies, and equipment for printing and related crafts
Print enthusiasts, students, educators, graphic designers, typophiles, artists, and printers new or old will enjoy the sights and hands-on demos. Print your own wood type poster!
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